5 Effective Social Media Marketing Tips

You CAN be social and manage your social media correctly!

Do you have multiple social media channels with profiles or accounts for your business? It’s not uncommon for businesses to let their social media accounts fall by the wayside because as business is busy, there’s less time to attract new audiences and engage with your current ones.

With proper planning and strategizing, you can create a social media plan for the year ahead and stick to it!

Here’s what you need to do:

  • Be committed!

Before you begin writing your social media plan for Facebook, Twitter and other social media channels you want to maintain a digital presence, it’s important to make a promise to yourself that you’ll stick with your social media plan!

Not only that, but those relationships must be nurtured once your business’ presence grows. That’s why you have to be committed to being on social media and following the plan you’ll develop.

By putting in the time, effort and resources into social media, you’ll experience gratification in being active and engaged while improving your online presence.

  • Decide where you’ll activate your presence, then do it!

With the multiple social media platforms on the market, you’ll have to decide which ones are right for your business. If you can promote your product online using videos, YouTube and Vine might be suitable for your business. Is your business more photo-driven? Instagram might be your top choice, and consider adding Facebook and Twitter into the mix too! Once you’ve made your choice, work ahead to create the content you’ll be posting on each social media platform. Schedule Facebook posts in advance and consider using Tweetdeck or Buffer to schedule tweets. This way, you don’t have to worry about posting on a daily basis.

Having said that, what you will have to do daily is start conversation with your audience, respond to likes/comments/retweets, etc. Make this part of your daily routine. Put a checkmark in your calendar every time you’ve spend even 20 minutes engaging on social media channels. Do a little bit at a time every day in order to not get overwhelmed (falling behind could be overwhelming), and stay relevant at the same time.

  • Generate content

A strong social media plan not only includes a calendar of what content will be posted on one day (attributing artwork to it is a huge plus!), but content that can be uploaded to social media. A well thought-out blog post that’s educational and informative is a great way to engage with your audience and keep them updated on what they need to know.

This will not only give you an authentic voice in the community, but will help drive consumers from your social media pages to your website. Become a reliable and useful expert in the industry. Your audience will see that.

  • Add promotions to the mix

Sticking to your social media plan will help generate an audience, but what about targeting the people that don’t know about you? Running promotional ads on social media and offering a giveaway will get your audience excited about what you’re doing! It’s a great way to spread the message about your brand, while keeping your current audience engaged.

  • Ask for help when you need it

Scheduling posts in advance and making a conscious effort to engage online on a daily basis will help you develop and maintain a healthy online presence. If you’re finding that it’s too much for you to maintain (thus preventing you from sticking to your social media plan), then it might be time to involve an expert in your social media plans.

That’s where Intact Marketing comes in. We have the ability to establish, grow and optimize your social media platforms. We can start by auditing your current social media platforms and suggest ways to improve it. We’ll even help you maintain the channels to ensure your audience is consistently engaged.

If the thought of social media overwhelms you, don’t let that stop you from activating your online presence. Let’s work together to develop and execute a social media plan!