Piri Darabont

Author Archives

  • Facebook vs Twitter

    Facebook vs Twitter

    How does Twitter compare against Facebook when it comes to online activity? If we are comparing the Facebook population to the Twitter followers, it shows that while the two are similar in many respects but at the same time there are some crucial differences of interest to marketers and others looking to mine the data and pick a favourite platform. […]

  • Website Design for Contractors

    Website Launched for Milton Basement Finishing

    We been busy with designing a website for a local Milton company and today are pleased to announce the launch of a new Joomla built website. As a Milton website design company we were approached by Milton Basement Finishing to build them a user friendly website that is appealing to the eye as well easy […]

  • Web Design for Milton Construction Company

    At Intact Marketing we work with you to get YOUR message across a variety of marketing platforms. We focus on what’s important to you and show you how to build trust with your clients. Dartex Contracting approached us needing a web presence for their well established contracting company. Dartex didn’t have an online presence because mostly their […]