The Key To Writing An Engaging Blog

Everyone in the marketing industry will tell you that content is king. Why? Content, especially in the form of a blog, is a way for you – and your business – to stay in touch with current customers and entice new ones.

But coming up with the right content for your blog or email newsletter is not always easy. You need to capture your reader’s attention right away. When your audience needs something, your business or service will be top-of-mind.

Keep these tips in mind when you write:

Be conversational

When you sit down to right content, write as if you’re speaking to your audience in person. Make the written content casual by using language you use in everyday conversation. With this tip in mind, you’ll not only have an easier time writing, but your audience or reader will feel more connected because it’s been written with them in mind. On that same note, try not to use too much jargon – industry-related words. Keep your content simple and understandable.

Think quality over quantity

Don’t assume you need to write a 1,000-word blog post or email newsletter. You want to capture your audience’s attention, but you run the risk of losing that attention when a post is too long. After all, don’t you have a limited time to sit in front of the computer to read or check emails?

Carefully craft your headline

After reading the headline, it could be the difference between continuing reading, or deleting the email or switching to a new webpage. In one simple line, summarize the point of your content, the main reason why someone should read it. Then, think about whether or not you would read it. Publish your content when you’re comfortable with what you’ve crafted.

Use proper formatting

The content itself should be easy to read, but so should the way the content is presented. If you’re writing a longer piece, format it so it’s easier for your audience to consume.

Finally, consider bolding key words to capture their attention. Bolding draws the readers’ eyes in to an important part of the content. It will also help them identify key points within the piece.

Add visuals

Your content is important, but your audience will appreciate a visual. Adding an image within the blog post or newsletter will not only break up the content, but also gives your reader something else to focus on, especially if that reader is a visual thinker. If you plan on repurposing this content on social media, the added visual is necessary to increase engagement.

Create call to action       

What’s the point of what you’re trying to tell your audience? You don’t want your reader to finish reading the email or blog post and ask themselves, “so what?”

Provide a call to action or solution at the end of the content to convince your audience of what they should do next especially if you are trying to get them to purchase one of your services. Not only will your content provide your reader with valuable information, but you’re also offering help or a solution at the same time.

Be honest!

You’re establishing a relationship with your audience by communicating with them. That’s why it’s important to be upfront and honest. Give your audience specific examples of what they need to know and don’t shy away from revealing some facts about yourself and your business. For example, if company revenues are an important part of your content creation, be upfront about it! Being authentic gives you an authoritative voice, one your readers will appreciate and seek out again.

To market yourself or your services, you need to tell people about it! If content marketing isn’t your forte, why not hire an expert in marketing? Intact Marketing has the tools and expertise to market your business. Check out our website to see what we’ve done for other business. Contact us to find out what Intact Marketing can do for yours.